This was a nice change after last weeks disheartening episode and after a whole half season that has been a rough transition. MOTOE felt like an old school Doctor Who episode. By old school I don’t mean 2008, rather 1977. Like an old horror film, it was reminiscent of the Philip Hinchcliffe and Robert Holmes era(1974-77).
The first thing that stood out was the mummy itself. Scariest DW monster in quite awhile.
This thing was legitimately creepy. Great SFX as it looked like a walking corpse rather than a campy monster on a kids show. I am almost glad my three year old has lost interest in the show as this thing would have scared the crap out of her. I cannot express how impressed I was with this.
The other part that reflected the mid seventies was a fantastic impression of the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker. I kid you not. There was a scene where the Doctor is talking to himself, bouncing thoughts and ideas off himself. One voice was his own, and the other? One of the most impressive Tom Baker impersonations I have ever heard. Rivals Jon Culshaws famous impressions. This was clearly not a happy accident, and one has to wonder if the Doctor is somehow communing with his past selves, and if it explains some of his erratic behavior this year. Of course it would make sense as it was the Fourth Doctor who also faced an intergalactic Egyptian threat.
Finally, I am not sure what is happening with Clara. Last week she was done with the Doctor. This week she says it is a farewell trip, and she certainly acts like this is the end. Again this week the Doctor is a prick, putting the lives of the passengers behind solving the mystery. At one point he puts a girl directly in the mumm’ys path for the sake of studying it, right before he removes the target from her and puts it on himself. He then confronts the mummy and finds a clever, and incredibly Doctorish way of defeating it. When she asks if he was only acting heartless, he says that sometimes all of your choices are bad, but you still have to make them.
Somehow this makes Clara do a complete 180. She lies to Danny about being done with the Doctor and says let’s keep on going. I don’t understand her change of heart. While the Doctor’s argument is a good start, it does not feel like enough to have swayed her yet. I just don’t buy it, and I think something else is going on here.
This was the best I have felt after a DW episode in a long time. At the very least it seemed like everything is working again. Next week’s “Flatline” looks interesting to say the least.