This Week on G33kpod: Serving the Donuts, Kelly’s Cookie, Cheetohs & Dr. Pepper, Trailer Trash and A Lord?
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WWE 2K22 Creations
Kev’s Tabletop Review:
Hugh’s News Items:
Andrew Lincoln to join the MCU
Corbs’ Classic Movie Review:
Paul read Roger Ebert’s review from September 2, 1988
Jack’s Erroneous Question:
Q1: What was the very first music video aired on MTV?
A:Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles
Q2:Neil Diamond ALMOST changed his stage name, what was he going to change it to?
A: Ice Charry
Topics discussed:
Thor: Love and Thunder Teaser Trailer
The Mid-Stream Report:
Moon Knight
Opening theme is: Sunday Mourning by Jamus Breed*
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